Seafood Xmas Box


Delicious, fresh and top quality seafood delivered straight to your doorsteps to ease your Christmas time !

For 3 person

  • Beetroot Cured Salmon (150g) – Mustard Dressing
  • Lime & Spice Cured Kingfish (150g)
  • Hot Smoked Salmon Rillette (150g)
  • 12 x Tiger Prawn – Cleaned & Peeled – Skågen Dressing , Lemon

Accompaniments : Potato Buckwheat Blinis (6), Lettuce Cups & Herbs.

DELIVERY AVAILABLE : 17.12 / 23.12 (request this date when putting order in) / 24.12

Add on to your Order :

  • Sydney Rock Oysters (pre-shucked just before your delivery), Mignonette, Lemon (half doz / full doz )
  • Yarra Valley Roe Dip 150g , Rye Chips

Whole Lobster & Salmon Caviar available to order in the shop!

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information

Add on

None, 6 x Sydney Rocks -20$, 12 x Sydney Rocks -36$, Roe Dip + Rye cracker -25$, 6 x Sydney Rocks + Roe Dip -45$, 12 x Sydney Rocks + Roe Dip -61$

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